3 Common Golf Trip Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Is there anything better than hitting the golf course with your buddies? How about taking a golf vacation with them instead?

If you and your pals are planning a golf getaway, you need to come prepared to have the most fun. Keep reading to find the most common golf trip mistakes and how to avoid them.

  1. Not Bringing the Right Gear

The most obvious golf trip essentials is your gear. The accessories you bring can make or break your game so be sure to pack smart.

Golf gloves aren’t only just for style, they make gripping your club easier. Find a pair that fits well and buy a few extras to have as a backup.

A laser rangefinder is a handy gadget you can use to get accurate reads of the fairway.

Golfers need to do everything they can to save their shoulders. The repetitive movements during your swing can wreak havoc on your body.

Your bag can weigh anywhere between 30 and 50 pounds so you need something supportive and comfortable. Opt for bags with padded straps to help reduce your chances of injury.

If you have the budget, we highly recommend investing in a launch monitor. These handy devices are a must-have for anyone serious about golfing. Click here to find how launch monitors will improve your golf strategy.

Aside from the right accessories, you’ll need to also pack appropriate clothing. Plan to pack an extra pair of shoes in case of inclement weather. You wouldn’t want to spend the day golfing in shoes that are soaked from the day before.

Weather can change in an instant. It’s best to bring extra layers that you can strip off should the sun decide to come out. Pack rain gear too, even if there are sunny skies in the forecast.

  1. Inviting Non-Golfers

You probably already can think of one or two of your buddies who just aren’t into golf. While it might be tempting to invite them along on your trip, you might want to rethink it.

If the goal of your vacation is to golf, people who aren’t into the sport won’t enjoy themselves. Chances are you’ll find it hard for you to enjoy your weekend, too. Non-golfers will become easily bored after the first couple of hours and will become more of a distraction.

Instead, keep the guest list small and intimate. Only invite your buddies who you know to have a similar golf game to yours.

  1. Not Taking a Break

We know that planning a golf trip is an exciting adventure. That said, you need to ensure you and your pals are taking enough time away from the course, too.

Booking 14 rounds in a five-day vacation might sound good on paper, but it won’t feel that way in real life. You may find yourself getting through the first day or two absolutely exhausted and rethinking your entire vacation plans.

We recommend sticking with 18 holes per day for the most enjoyable trip.

Avoid Golf Trip Mistakes for An Amazing Trip

Now that you know the most common golf trip mistakes, you can avoid making them. Whether you’re golfing with friends or family, your trip is sure to be seamless.

Keep reading our blogs for more tips on becoming a better golfer.

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